Saturday, April 08, 2006

Horn stalemate 'shocks' UN envoy

The international community has not done enough to resolve the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, says the outgoing regional UN mission head.

UN Mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia head Legwaila Joseph Legwaila said he was "shocked" by the three-year stalemate.

An international tribunal ruled in 2002 on a border dispute that caused a war from 1998 to 2000 costing 76,000 lives.

Ethiopia did not accept the ruling and Eritrea responded with restrictions on the UN peacekeeping mission.

"I am shocked to tell the truth that the stalemate is now more than three years old," Mr Legwaila told reporters in Addis Ababa, as his tour of duty comes to an end. Full report BBC 7 Apr 2006.

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