Monday, October 13, 2008

Kidnappers of missing Somali journalists demand $2.5m ransom - talks stalled

MOGAIDSHU, Oct 13 2008 (Reuters) report - Insurgents attack African Union troops in Mogadishu - excerpt:
On Monday, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) said ransom talks had stalled for two foreign journalists who were seized by gunmen on the outskirts of Mogadishu on Aug. 23.

"It's more than 50 days since the abduction ... and there is no official word coming from the kidnappers since they demanded a ($2.5 million) ransom in September," it said in a statement.

Australian freelancer Nigel Brennan and his Canadian colleague Amanda Lindhout were kidnapped with a local reporter as they visited camps for families displaced by the violence. (Reporting by Ibrahim Mohamed; Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Louise Ireland)
Related reports

Aug 25 2008 - Ethiopia Watch - Missing Somalia journalists named: Abdifatah Mohammed Elmi, Nigel Brenan, Amanda Lindhout (and driver Mahad)

Sep 24, 2008 - Ethiopia Watch - Two Medecins du Monde aid workers kidnapped in Ogaden, Ethiopia and taken to Somalia's central region of Galguduud by well-armed gunmen

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